Here I am all ready to run my leg of the Oakland Marathon. Can I tell you how much I loved this event? Finally one event that brought the people of Oakland together to do something healthy and positive. I love this city, so much. It’s expensive as hell, and has a lousy reputation, and the schools (for the most part) SUCK, but you know, where else in this whole damn world can you take your kid to the park down the street from your house and watch her play with children of a dozen different ethnicities without batting an eyelash? It’s not perfect here, there is still a lot of racial tension (less so than in other cities I’ve lived in though, no doubt) but I think things like the Oakland Marathon are a step toward healing. I’m so honored to have been a part of the inaugural race!
I ran the first leg of the relay, 6.2 miles, all uphill. I came in at 56:43, which I feel really good about. I’m a swimmer, not a runner dammit! My team was so great, I’m really happy I got to run with them. Our total time was 4:19. It was FUN, and I’m looking forward to next year (I’m planning on running the FULL MARATHON next year, for the record). I hope more of my friends participate next year, several did this year and it was great to see them on the course. Best of all was seeing our friends and loved ones cheering us on from the sidelines. Thanks guys!