Comments on: Beautiful Skin Over 40 (and under 40 too!) Sanity in health and fitness. Mon, 23 Nov 2015 19:13:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Go Kaleo Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:35:31 +0000 Oh man that SUCKS. Thank you for the heads up!

By: elizabeth Fri, 31 Jan 2014 21:27:16 +0000 The link you have given to the Benzac 5% Benzoyl Peroxide takes you to the seller, Thai Tops Supermarket. I purchased this item from them and it never turned up. Looking at the reviews, this has happened to a lot of people. you might wish to link to a different seller! xx


By: Amanda Mon, 27 Jan 2014 20:28:04 +0000 I enjoyed this article about your skin, but it also lead me to the article about your battle with PCOS, which was just an amazing read! I am 23 and just recently got diagnosed with it. Over the years, I experienced many symptoms similar to yours, but just like you, I never thought anything was wrong. My doctor also told me to eat proteins and veggies and focus on losing weight, without telling me the actual science behind it. I did not know about metabolic syndrome, but I DID read a lot about insulin resistance. Your story was very eye-opening and while I am working on having better eating habits, I’m definitely going to have to work on my inactivity. You are so inspiring! Thank you!

By: Go Kaleo Sun, 26 Jan 2014 21:42:07 +0000 Nice!

By: old biddy Sun, 26 Jan 2014 13:48:47 +0000 Your skin is lovely! Thanks for sharing your experiences.
My experience was somewhat similar to yours – I had acne and rosacea throughout my 20’s and early 30’s. I can’t tolerate benzoyl peroxide, unfortunately.
When I was 35 two things happened. I began to eat a lot more fruits and vegetables, and less processed food. That helped a whole lot, but I still had some issues. I then discovered a couple of Paula’s Choice products, and finally got around the remainder of the acne problem. I’ve been using it ever since, which is saying a lot since I used to have multiple facial cleansers and had to alternate to try to keep ahead of the too dry/too oily cycle.
As I moved into my mid-40’s, the acne was gone, but my rosacea was getting worse. My doctor suggested I cut out gluten to help with my achy joints. Much to my surprise, my skin tone really evened out and all of the redness went away within a few days (overall diet was similar). I know that going gluten free is trendy and most people who do it don’t need to do so, but it has made such a huge difference in my skin that it’s worth the extra effort.

By: deb Sat, 25 Jan 2014 23:38:45 +0000 Girl you are gonna rock your 50’s when you get there.. and beyond!
love you beautiful
deb xo

By: Sarah Sat, 25 Jan 2014 23:19:17 +0000 I’m the same, since I got back into running and started sweating more agian… pimple mania!!! And since my periods etc normalized, I have noticed and increase in pimple on my face (espesh at certain times of the month)!

By: Reference Page: Go Kaleo | Gregory Taper Sun, 19 Jan 2014 01:56:47 +0000 […] Beautiful Skin in My 40′s (finally!) […]

By: Go Kaleo Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:13:39 +0000 Agreed, we’re all different. I think the primary reason exercise helps my skin is it regulates my blood sugar and insulin levels.

By: K Tue, 03 Dec 2013 04:00:58 +0000 First off, love your blog!

What’s funny is I’ve had pretty much the opposite experience with my skin since picking up lifting weights seriously. The more advanced/intense my weight training got, the worse my skin seemed to get.

I had a bit of acne in high school, then would randomly have bouts of it here and there when I got older, but it would usually be a “burst” for a few weeks then be gone for a year or so, and get an occasional blemish.

Last year, I went through a really bad several month phase of acne. I had no idea what the culprit is. I examined diet, facial products, everything. Eventually went away but never did put my finger on it.

I’ve now been dealing with acne now for going on 8 months with no breaks. This is the longest my acne has lasted consistently. I get it mostly in the “hormonal” areas in the chin/jawline. It’s constant. Some days I think it may finally be gone and I wake up with more. It’s so disheartening and beginning to hit my self-esteem.

I started reading everything I could about acne, and primarily hormonal acne. One of the big culprits of hormonal acne is testosterone/DHT etc. hormones. And, alas, lifting can increase these.

I began to research this more and more, and I found a number of anecdotal stories of other women sharing a similar experience — they found Crossfit, and hormonal acne with it. They started lifting weights, and started breaking out, etc.

While I do agree for some that this is the recipe, I think there’s also the OTHER flip side of the coin that, well, it can actually wreak havoc on some people’s skin. I’m not going to give up lifting, I love it too much and I know the other benefits far outweigh it, but some days it is hard. I am debating if I should decrease some of my lifting intensity and switch to more LISS and HIIT.
