Comments on: The Future of Women’s Healthcare Under the Affordable Care Act Are you as tired of fad diets as I am? Sun, 01 Dec 2013 20:01:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tara Sat, 23 Nov 2013 21:56:11 +0000 Thanks to ACA there need never be another person who doesn’t get a symptom checked out due to fear of a diagnosis and the hopelessness of medical bankruptcy.

By: Tara Sat, 23 Nov 2013 21:53:48 +0000 Exactly!
And for those who say, “I am infertile so I shouldn’t have to pay for maternity coverage or prenatal…”
I may never have a heart attack or diabetes or Parkinsons but I understand that the cost is spread out over all of our needs… I cover your pregnancy, you cover my *I’m having a hard time coming up with something here because (knock on wood) I am a childless healthy 50yo* … we all put in the pot and when that illness or accident or trauma happens we are covered.
Now, honestly, I think the mess could be completely cleaned up by eliminating the middle man (aka Insurance) all-together.

By: Go Kaleo Sat, 23 Nov 2013 17:23:29 +0000 My experience has been different, I have a very reasonably priced plan that provides very good coverage available to me.

By: Why I’ve Been A Bad Blogger & Some Recommended Reading | Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:05:32 +0000 […] I was a big fan of anti-aging and health advocate, Suzanne Somers…until recently.  I lost a lot of respect for her after she wrote a very poorly researched and ideologically bent op-ed for The Washington Post slamming the Affordable Care Act. I wasn’t the only critic of this piece. Most people who read it thought it was pretty ridiculous. You can read it here. So if her WaPo piece on the ACA included a few errors, I began to wonder what else she may have been wrong about. Then I read a book that blew my mind! It’s called Do You Believe In Magic?: The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine. I was floored when I read just how many alternative medical treatments have no scientific basis whatsoever. In some cases, there are no studies that prove they actually work. And even worse, there are studies that show that some of these treatments can be dangerous. I highly recommend this book for the other side of the story when it comes to alternative medicine. Also, for more information on the ACA and some of the good things it does, particularly for women, read this from Go Kaleo. […]

By: Becky Sat, 23 Nov 2013 13:27:16 +0000 My family always had these coverages through my husband’s work but now we must pay $300 more per month and they cover less. Last check up I was weighed, had my blood pressure taken and had an exam. My insurance covers no blood work for yearly check-ups anymore and only a few vaccinations for the kids when they are under 6. They cover all kinds of exotic sexual prevention services but dropped most of the ordinary stuff. They no longer cover chiropractic and our deductable is $3,000 before they pay anything. It is not like we are so wealthy that this isn’t a problem. We only make $50,000 for a family of four. I think the only people who have improved care are the very sick and the very poor. The average person and especially the self-employed that I know, have been hit hard by increased costs and decreased coverage. I would gladly trade our insurance for the British/Canadian model or the old cheap high deductible catastrophic policy but the current situation stinks.

By: Morgen Sat, 23 Nov 2013 01:04:08 +0000 All though I myself am disgusted by the current health care changes, just as much as I was the health care system before the changes, you deserve kudos simply for expressing an opinion considering how volatile the subject is.

Myself, as a married woman who is incapable of having children after surgery, I am rendered at a loss by the assumption that I should be glad to see other women receive subsidization in this manner. Women have higher premiums because they have higher health care costs.

If you chose to have children, then you can choose health insurance to cover the pregnancy. Rendered sterile, there is no reason for my husband and I to pay the additional coverage for pregnancy related conditions. This has certainly not lowered costs for us, and instead would have increased them substantially… so we’ve had to cancel our insurance. For at least the first few years it will be cheaper to pay the fee and take our chances then the all encompassing insurance requirements now in place.

The “death” of the middle class in America is a common theme. As a staff accountant I work each year with dozens of families and business’s and I think I can at least add my two cents. The middle class has begun to dwindle because we attempt to legislate it as a bare minimum. Instead of being able to purchase catastrophic coverage, we are now forced to no coverage… because the government would like to legislate a bare minimum. This concept plays out in many directions. Another example is housing; houses have a minimum square footage for new builds which means that purchasing a small house and building on in 10 years is no longer possible. You must be able to purchase a medium sized home or no home at all. By doing this it removes the lower rungs of the ladder. You can either live in absolute poverty, or middle class. There is no place financially to transition.

Finally, if the USA, as a country, wants to provide a more affordable health care solution, the word “insurance” should not be part of it. Insurance is a specific type of savings plan in which people with higher risk pay in at a higher rate and are subsidized by the many who pay a much lower premium but never access the funds. When the government attempts to legislate “insurance” based on the idea that the higher risk prices will be absorbed by everyone and that everyone will take the value of their payments back in the form of healthcare, it is not only a lie, it is a fiscal impossibility. I flinch whenever I hear someone who should understand finance, refer to the new legislation as insurance.

As a “fiscal conservative” I can tell you that socialism doesn’t scare me and may be warranted here… but that is a whole different conversation.

Oh, and I very much enjoy your blog. :)

By: Jenifer Fri, 22 Nov 2013 01:15:00 +0000 Yup! And same for people who live in Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland. . . etc. They all love having national health care. Yeah, there are kinks in the system and some things that are difficult, but it’s no different than the insurance system, really.

By: Go Kaleo Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:22:13 +0000 Under the ACA I now have access to affordable and excellent health care! So it’s getting better, tho it’s not perfect.

The mythology I hear about how Canadians hate their health care system always makes me laugh, because I have quite a few Canadian friends and they are very appreciative of their system.

By: Trundle Buggy Thu, 21 Nov 2013 23:48:58 +0000 Move to Canada..maybe the weather isn’t Cali but dear God, you wouldn’t be in this predicament. Yes, we pay high taxes and maybe you guys think we are a bit too socialist for your liking but nobody is denied healthcare. All that crap about the waits in ER is just that. Had a visit there recently (one of the busiest ER’s in the country) was seen and had a CT within an hour and a half, then seen by surgical residents and house surgeon and sent on my way, after an IV of antibiotics, with a follow up appointment. Ok so maybe our hospitals are not necessarily the Ritz but we offer some of the best health care in the world. I work in one of the top cardiac centres in the world and wouldn’t go anywhere else for cardiac care.
No it’s not ‘free’, as I mentioned, we pay pretty high taxes. Our (working) twenty year olds and pensioners alike contribute so the system will be there for them when they need it. Right now, in our Province of Ontario the flu shot is free of charge to all. Someone joked that if you stand still you’ll have a needle jabbed in your arm. But it reduces hospital admissions for the flu and that saves a lot of money as well as many lives.
I am so sorry that you were denied care for post partum depression and that your spouse has to take a job, not to his liking, to get health care. That is really terrible. The United States has many wonderful things to offer it’s citizens, how sad that health care isn’t one of them.

By: Go Kaleo Thu, 21 Nov 2013 22:49:43 +0000 I’m interested in seeing how this all plays out over the next few years. There certainly is a great deal of speculation on both sides, and it’s clear than a lot of people are very worried. Things rarely turn out exactly as we expect them to though, I’m optimistic that we’ll be able to work together as a society to create something better than what we’ve had.
