Comments on: What is Kaleo? Sanity in health and fitness. Mon, 23 Nov 2015 19:13:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: brittany Sun, 17 Aug 2014 15:53:49 +0000 Also fat is more of an appetite suppressant than protein.

By: brittany Sun, 17 Aug 2014 15:52:14 +0000 High fat is not inherently bad. It’s only bad when you are using industrially created seed oils (like canola, “vegetable” oil), hydrogenated oils, or combining high fat with high carb. High fat low/moderate carb is perfectly healthy. The low-fat dogma is based on junk science and political pressure.

By: ian guthrie Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:13:52 +0000 the paleo diet reduces weight primarily because of the protein acting as a appetite suppressor ,Long term the high fat content will cause an increased cardiovascular risk .
just started to read your blog ,very good so far

By: brittany Thu, 20 Feb 2014 03:02:07 +0000 How do you know that paleo isn’t good long term for her? You aren’t her. Lots of research shows that a paleo way of eating is healthy for many people and if it’s working for her, who cares? There’s no one perfect diet and apparently paleo didn’t work for you…that’s okay! But so long as your sister is eating a good amount of whole foods (more than just bacon I hope!), I would leave her be. Focus on you.

By: Go Kaleo Tue, 26 Nov 2013 16:53:21 +0000 Probably best to just leave her be for now. Model healthy, moderate eating. Paleo can produce weight loss because by removing calorie dense foods like grains and dairy, a person inadvertently produces a calorie deficit. If that deficit is too big (which can happen because most paleo leaders actively discourage calorie tracking) it can lead to metabolic adaptations that result in rapid regain. That might not happen though. Some people do very well on paleo long term, and it’s not inherently unhealthy. It can become unhealthy when taken to extremes, like any other fad diet. Just let her be, model healthy moderation, and if she gets herself into trouble she’ll know who to go to. Paleo is like religion, it’s very difficult to break through during the zealous conversion stage. 🙂

By: Natasha Tue, 26 Nov 2013 15:34:02 +0000 First of all, best of luck with your own health and exercise – I hope that you find something that works well for you!

I’m on the opposite end of your dilemma, since I’m someone who’s “wacko crazy about the paleo diet” and I’ve been trying to convince my friends and family members to give it a try. Well, I *was* trying to convince them until I realized that it’s best to focus on myself and my own health, and to know as much info as possible in case others want to ask me questions.

I guess I’d suggest that you keep doing research. What aspect of paleo do you think is harming her? Is she losing weight too quickly? (I thought I was, but it’s finally evened out, and I’m not “too skinny.”) Is she missing out on important micronutrients? Do you just wish that you could serve her “normal food” and not have her give a lecture? Let her know what aspect of it makes you uncomfortable and see if you can have a productive conversation. And if she says she’s happy and healthy, try to be happy for her and as supportive as you can! Jealousy, as you know, probably won’t help the relationship. So focusing on your own health is another piece of the puzzle.

By: Malnutrition from Poor Dieting Practices | Genki Kitty's Blog Tue, 19 Nov 2013 15:52:26 +0000 […] store more fat than others and etc, it is not a reason to be obese.  The other day I even found Kaleo who is “a 40 year old mom who reversed obesity and PCOS with exercise and better food […]

By: Enter your full name here Fri, 08 Nov 2013 06:04:45 +0000 How (and should you?) talk to a person who has gone wacko crazy about the paleo diet, and losing weight? I need to lose weight, I know that. I am 5′ 6″ and 170. Basically, non-exercising (ankle surgery started my litany of excuses)
For my daughter’s wedding I did do a modified paleo/metabolic miracle diet to lose 15 lbs. Which I promptly gained back after going off the diet.
I know regular exercise and healthy good food is best to slowly lose the weight, but the temptation to go paleo is strong when it seemingly works so well.
My sister is on a paleo religious experience, “grains are poison, meat is king, bacon is god”….etc etc…..and she’s losing weight. It makes me frustrated, and I have to be honest, jealous as all get out.
I know Paleo is not long term good for her, but why?

By: Norma Rowland Thu, 24 Oct 2013 19:20:48 +0000 You look FANTASTIC! I am in awh of what you’ve accomplished! I’ve been doing Paleo for about 3 months now and have lost about 12-13 lbs. Although I look a bit better, I have little to no energy! I’m not exercising at all because that really drains me. I weigh 160 and am 5’7″ tall. My diet consists of organic meats, seafood, veggies, fruits & nuts. I would like to lose about 15-20lbs but I’ve been stuck at 160 for a month now. I can’t figure out why I’m so lethargic when I’m eating quality whole foods I think I may need to bring back small portions of potatoes, rice & quinoa again. Do you have any tips for me? Thanks, Norma

By: Luana Kaleo Fri, 18 Oct 2013 22:13:32 +0000 Kaleo is Hawaiian and is my last name. It was my fathers and my grandfathers…. Just an fyi 😀
