The third day in a row of workouts is always hard to slog through and not very productive. I guess as you get older it’s more and more important to make time for recovery. So today was short and sweet:
1.25 mile run along the Emeryville Waterfront
Then over to Berkeley Ironworks for:
Back squats 5×5 @ 125
OHS 3×8 @ 75
5 sets of max reps pullups
B: breakfast smoothie (spinach, blueberry, avocado and plant based protein powder)
L: leftover green bean, summer squash and tofu stirfry from last night, plus 2 tilapia filets
S: larabar, peach
D: the ‘everything’ at Souly Vegan in Jack London Square: Black Eyed Peas, yams, lentils, mustard greens, BBQ tofu, cornbread, potato salad, vegan mac and cheese. I didn’t eat everything. I stuck to the veggies and legumes, let my husband chow down on the bread, pasta and potato salad.
After dinner: 3 vodka cranberries
Late night snack: 3 plums and a handful of mixed nuts
In case you haven’t noticed, I eat. A LOT!